
Sunday, February 22, 2015

My favorite protective styles since going perm free in 2010 plus rambles!

I must say that my journey going natural wasn't an easy one because I was 
addicted to straight hair. Like it was pretty bad for a minute during my early twenties because my hair eventually started falling out. And I don't mean gradually I meant I woke up one day to do my hair and noticed the back of my head was bald. I covered it up for as long as I could until a woman at work asked me what was wrong. I was so embarrassed because I didn't think anyone would be looking back there. I don't even know what excuse I made, but I am sure I made up some reason for being bald back there. This was in 2008 and you would think that I would have stopped perming then but I didn't. I eventually was able to afford to get my hair done professionally, instead of the usual $10 doobie I was getting. She gave me some Dr. Miracle stuff that really did help my hair grow in back there. But I also want to count the fact that I was actually beginning to take care of my hair. I was told that you have to treat your hair like you would anything else, you buy food and clothes so put money aside to take care of your hair. And my hair back then was put on the back burner for real. 

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Why I love my high waisted jeans so much?!

The one thing I enjoy the most about jeans are my newest find....the High-waisted jean!

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Avocado hair mask!!

Hey people!!! Omgosh I have been meaning to post my new hair routine but just haven't really made the time to do so. With school and life some times my plans go haywire when it comes to my blog. Either way I feel as though this part of my hair routine has helped nurse my hair back to 60% better than where it was at. 
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