
Sunday, February 28, 2016

We're moving!....Fresh start!


I hadn't even realized I have been a blogger since 2009, Sept 2009 to be exact. It has been a really really joyful experience to get to know everyone on blogger. However, it is time for us to move on. I have been in the process of transitioning to something new these last few months. By moving we can broaden the look of the site as well as bring in new viewers. Don't get me wrong, Blogger has been awesome these last few years. It's just for the audience I am looking to reach, it no longer serves a purpose for me. When I started blogging I didn't care really about content or who read my blog. It was just for fun in the beginning. Then it transitioned into, "oooo I can make money" from this. I had no real true vision at all, and when I did I had no internet to post anything. 

Then there was the fact that I have no niche, I have been all over the place trying to figure out where I fit in. After years of figuring it out, I eventually gave up and just started posting whatever I felt like. There is nothing wrong with this concept if it's just for fun and not monetary gain. But when you take the time and effort to edit, take photos, post photos and edit them, it shouldn't be free of cost. I will admit that once I began to see what it was I can do as a blogger, and get paid for it I knew that I had to begin to take it more seriously. It's not always about money, it is about helping people. Buttttt money is important in any industry we decide to do. 

I just wanted fresh start with a new found niche. To be able to bring some amazing content from a fresh new site, that I am hosting and that I own. Me!!!! Better pictures, better graphics, better posts, all of the above!! 

More consistency is the numero uno!!

I am so very excited for what is to come and I can not wait for you all to see the new designs and logo for . It's going to be fabulous!!

There is no date yet for the rebranding of the site but it will be soon. Once graduation is over I will be able to focus 100% of my time on this site.

Until next time, see you all over on the new site! Fresh start!

XO, Pynkstarr

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Recap: Hit the Floor Season 3, Ep 4 "Good D" *Spoilers*

In this week's episode, there was some of everything!! Sex, Love, Trust, and Truth!

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Recap: Hit the Floor Season 3, Ep 3 "Fake Out" *Spoiler*

This week in episode 3 we saw Sloane trapped in some room, after last week's kidnapping she is still there. The guy who kidnapped her tells her he works for Oscar (but for some reason I don't believe him) and that she has to write a suicide note or else he'll kill Ahsha. 
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