
Saturday, February 7, 2015

Avocado hair mask!!

Hey people!!! Omgosh I have been meaning to post my new hair routine but just haven't really made the time to do so. With school and life some times my plans go haywire when it comes to my blog. Either way I feel as though this part of my hair routine has helped nurse my hair back to 60% better than where it was at. 

After doing those marely locs my hair was so limp and lifeless that I thought I'd have to BC again. Bu luckily I learned a few tricks that I was missing and where I was going wrong. One major thing being I was missing protein from my hair probably diet. Most people don't think about what they eat being a reason their hair isn't growing. I could eat more veggies and fruits. And eat more meats. But the issue is I am really thinking of going vegetarian, I want to go vegan but that's a really huge step to take. Either way my protein was low and you could see it in my hair. 

Not to mention how tight I wrapped my hair making it difficult to see my real hair to moisturize it. I left the locs in for about 6 weeks, which is fine if you plan on washing your hair while they are in. Otherwise you get a lot of build up which is what I had because I continued to moisturize my scalp. It was just a but I managed to slowly nurse my hair back to health. It has been a few months but by doing DIY treatments things have been going well.

My hair a few weeks before putting in the marley locs

I believe I can get my hair back to where it needs to be as long as I keep my hair moisturized.

A few weeks after removing the locs, Oct 2014

more weeks after removing the locs

Protective style: mini twists

January 2015
XO, Pynkstarr

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