
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

"Afros remind me of the 70's" say what!!

O boy! Here we go again! Am over reacting or are people really just too ignorant to understand how dumb they sound sometimes. My people ( black people) have been soooo brainwashed it's crazy. But I will confess that I was once as ignorant as these people in this video. Although I will say that once I became educated enough I no longer said disrespectful things about being African American or black. I wasn't raised to necessarily hate being black but I also wasn't preached to about the greatness of embracing my body, my skin color, my natural hair texture. I grew up knowing all these inventions black people did, all these accomplishments we've made, the strides we came through in history and today. But God forgive us for asking a white teacher why her hair is considered nicer than yours. Or hear your black teachers make fun of your African friend's afro in the 3 rd grade saying whyd they let her come out like that. I wasn't ever taught to embrace what I had growing on my head because my parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles grew so accustomed to the European ways of living that they forgot that once upon a time wearing "nappy" hair was seen as a positive thing, being proud of who you were. Now don't get me wrong we have come a ways with our thinking and changing societies minds about not having straight blonde hair. But we still have so far to go. And Im not going to say just black people but Caucasians who feel like they can't wear their hair curly because of their up bringing. I can only speak from the black American stand point because I am doh black American. But please no matter your race please chime in. After watching the video, I was no the only one in shock. I mean "afros being in the 70's" really dude! If you didn't know how much further we've got to go then this will speak for itself. Leave your opinions below. Or email me at if you want a more private conversation regarding hair questions etc Pynkstarr lthough I will say that once I became educated enough I no longer said disrespectful about being African American or black. I wasn't raised to necessarily hate being black but I also wasn't preached to about the greatness of embracing my body, my skin color, my natural hair texture. I grew up knowing all these inventions black people did, all these accomplishments we've made, the strides we came through in history and today. But God forgive us for asking a white teacher why her hair is considered nicer than yours. Or hear your black teachers make fun of your African friend's afro in the 3 rd grade saying whyd they let her come out like that. I wasn't ever taught to embrace what I had growing on my head because my parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles grew so accustomed to the European ways of living that they forgot that once upon a time wearing "nappy" hair was seen as a positive thing, being proud of who you were. Now don't get me wrong we have come a ways with our thinking and changing societies minds about not having straight blonde hair. But we still have so far to go. And Im not going to say just black people but Caucasians who feel like they can't wear their hair curly because of their up bringing. I can only speak from the black American stand point because I am doh black American. But please no matter your race please chime in. After watching the video, I was no the only one in shock. I mean "afros being in the 70's" really dude! If you didn't know how much further we've got to go then this will speak for itself. Leave your opinions below. Or email me at if you want a more private conversation regarding hair questions etc Pynkstarr

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