
Saturday, April 11, 2015

My College Life part 2: Being organized with a planner!

Hello all of my lovely readers!!
 Spring Term has begun and I wanted to share how I stay organized with my school work. It may be easy to remember for some people, but for me I often forget certain assignments so I always had to write them down. Which is why I use my white board to write what I have to do daily. Being an online student you have to be held accountable for yourself because no one is going to inform you of anything. Some professors send out blast reminders but I feel like I am responsible enough to have my work submitted on time. I am again taking 4 courses, which may seem like a lot to some people with families to take care of or who work full time. But for me, I have neither so all of my time is dedicated to school work and it's paying off because my GPA has been increasing.

Okay so let's start off with my first week of planning while in school, it didn't go so well for many reasons. The main reason is I have 4 courses with lots of work per week and trying to write it all in to those little boxes seemed impossible, and you know what. . . . It was a disaster. Take a look!

Okay well not too bad, maybe I am being a little bit to harsh on myself because I got a lot of likes for it. I just really need to figure out a nice clean, neat method of adding every aspect of my school work for all 4 classes, as well as having room for other stuff. There is the dry erase method with a laminated post-it, but I may want to recall my assignments in a few weeks so If erase them ever week that defeats the purpose. Hopefully by Monday I will figure it out! I will see you all then for another planner update :)

XO, Pynkstarr

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